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Math 8

Mon. 11/4/19

Unit Rate worksheet




Tues. 11/5/19

Finish slope/unit rate worksheet




Wed. 11/6/19

Please click on the link below to complete the activity on your chromebooks. Please make sure to FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND COMPLETE ALL PROBLEMS


Slope Homework




Thurs. 11/7/19

ST Math (20 min)





Mon. 11/4/19

Please go to the link below and type in the following code:


Graph Proportional Relationships by identifying and plotting ordered pairs




Please take notes on the presentation with at least a few examples and key words to discuss in class tomorrow.


Tues. 11/5/19

If you were not able to access the presentation from last night's homework, please do so tonight. If you already did it, you have no homework!



Wed. 11/6/19

Proportional Relationships worksheet



Thurs. 11/7/19

Identifying Proportional and Non-Proportional Relationships










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